discover your superpower.
To help fulfill our mission, OMRS has developed a code of ethics to guide our staff members. These are the traits and characteristics that are essential in contributing to the well-being of those we support. Discover which traits are your superpower.
Possess a willingness to work hard and efficiently. Learning the most effective ways to do your job while saving time and completing tasks. Care about your coworkers and supported individuals to be encouraging and maintain a positive attitude. When you can, do more than is expected, be a good steward of company time and resources. Remember why we are here.
Trust is built when coworkers and supported individuals can count on you to be there when you are supposed to be. Be responsible and accountable for your own actions, being transparent is how we can all learn from our own and each other’s mistakes. Keep your coworkers informed of where you are on any projects you have been assigned. Respectful communication with team members and leadership helps keep everyone aware and understanding of any challenges or obstacles.
Take the initiative to complete additional tasks or to learn something new. A positive attitude is contagious among coworkers and gets the work done while motivating others to do the same. There will, inevitably, be challenges and obstacles to overcome, which is much more likely to resolve respectfully, with a team built on trust. A positive attitude is also a good example for those we support!!
Be flexible in your routines, the needs of those around us (supported individuals and coworkers) are ever changing. Being open to change and willingness to grow allows you to be an approachable coworker others can learn from. Adaptability also means adapting to the work habits and personalities of your co-workers- embracing there may be more than one acceptable way to complete a task. Each person has their own strengths and weaknesses, when we allow our gifts to complement each other instead of competing with one another it makes for a much more well-rounded team. Care enough about co-workers and supported individuals to accept the uniqueness we all bring to the table.
Good relationships are built on trust, your coworkers and supported individuals want to know they can trust what you say and do. When you are honest and transparent, they know you will do the right thing, even when it’s the hard thing.

Be the person that requires little direction to get the job done and is eager to learn.
Be the person that inspires others to ask questions and learn. Step outside of your comfort zone to grow and develop new skills. Be comfortable with yourself knowing you do not need to know everything. Admit your mistakes; recognize your strengths and weaknesses. OMRS is a safe place to grow.
Seek opportunities to learn and do your job to the best of your ability. Take pride in your profession. Avoid gossiping (calling it venting doesn’t make it ok either), instead; address challenges, disagreements or conflicts by using assertive, respectful and direct communication (verbal and nonverbal) with the appropriate person or people. Give people the opportunity to fix problems before telling everyone, but them, about the problem.
Treat coworkers, supported individuals, their family members and other professionals with dignity and respect. Avoid power struggles and lead by example. Be a good listener. Accept others, we are all unique. Take time to understand why someone may be acting out of character or having difficulties so you can be of support. Show empathy, nurture others by being encouraging and supportive. Show genuine interest in others needs.
Be able to identify problems and contribute to finding solutions. Look out for coworkers and supported individuals’ best interests- set each other up for success. Don’t wait for others to fix the problems and focus your attention on what YOU can do to help, not what everyone else could or should be doing.
Cheer the success of others. Contribute to the cause, value other’s opinions, and realize there may be more than one way to achieve a desired outcome. Support co-workers, offer constructive criticism and take ownership to help others and be successful. Be a willing learner and teacher.